Celebrate Life, It's Worth Living

Celebrate Life, It's Worth Living

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Whole Heart 30: Day 1

Well folks, I made it through day one alive & well! This is definitely going to be a challenge, because today was by no means easy. There were several moments when I was so tempted to reach into my pantry and grab that piece of dark chocolate, or that mediterranean hummus that I love so much, or that half and half in my coffee. Sigh. But I made it without eating any of that!

Biggest thing learned today: drink more water than every humanly thought possible! Because this is such a big adjustment to your body, the detox period can be ugly. I've been flushing out my system with as much water as possible to expedite the ugly phase and move on to the better stages. I took some pictures of my start to Whole Heart 30, so enjoy! And best of luck to all of you who have joined me on the endeavor. It's going to be such a fruitful one!

Spinach, shallot & egg skillet
Spinach, shallot & egg skillet paired with a coconut milk latte. 
Heaping of Spinach
1 Diced Shallot
1 egg
Splash of Olive Oil
I simply sauteed spinach & shallots in olive oil before creating little craters for my eggs. Then over medium heat, I cracked an egg, sprinkled fresh sea salt & cracked pepper on top. I covered the skillet for approximately 5 minutes before removing from heat. It was so simple & so yummy! 

Two hard boiled eggs, sliced sweet peppers, and sliced apples with almond butter. 
I admit, I hadn't grocery shopped yet and FULLY prepared for this challenge with our upcoming Easter travel, so my options were limited. But the great thing about this lunch was how simple, affordable & high energy it left me feeling to make it through the remaining work day!

Half homemade guacamole burger & citrus side salad

Half a ground beef patty topped with homemade guacamole. Side salad with grilled chicken, sweet peppers, and a homemade fresh cilantro lime dressing (no sugar, no preservatives)
Bunless Burger/Guacomole
1 lb grass fed ground beef
1 egg
seasoning of choice (for burger & chicken)
1 avocado
Dash of crushed red pepper
1 freshly squeezed lime 
Side Salad
2 chicken tenderloins 
4-5 mini sweet peppers (found in bulk at TJs & Kroger!)
A bundle of cilantro
1 shallot
1 large lime
Splash of apple cider vinegar
Spoonful of dijon mustard
Splash of olive oil 
Dash of salt & pepper
I could probably eat this dinner every single night of the week it was so fresh & tasty! It let me feeling so incredibly satisfied & ready to enjoy my night without the full, heavy feeling a regular (delicious) burger can do with a side salad tossed in a sugary, store bought dressing.

All in all, a GREAT start to my Whole Heart 30 Challenge. I hope that you are feeling inspired to join me. It's really not as hard or daunting as it may seem - promise! Let's just hope Day 2 can be done as effortlessly!

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